Online Staff Timesheet

Please Submit Your Timesheet Below

Timesheets must be submitted by a Sunday to be paid the following Friday. Without a timesheet we can not process wages… Late Timesheet = Late Pay

Your timesheet should be signed by somebody with the necessary authority at your workplace eg your manager or supervisor. 

If you prefer, you can download a copy of the timesheet to print and fill out by clicking here.


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Staff/Job Details & Hours Worked

(Section to be completed by the Staff Member)

Staff Member Name
Please insert client name and site address.

Hours Worked

Please insert number of hours worked for each day followed by the total hours worked for the week. If you did not work a day, please insert 0 as your amount.


POLITE NOTICE:  You are eligible for up to 50% of travel expenses with a valid receipt.  If this is not produced with timesheets, you may not be entitled to expenses.  This does not include taxi fares, lunch etc. Only the most efficient method of transport.

Please enter the amount of expenses in the format £0.00
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload good quality photos of your receipts.

Client Declaration

(Section to be completed by the Client)

Please check/confirm the number of hours worked and enter the number here.

I certify that I have the authority to sign this timesheet. I certify that the total hours worked (shown above) have been satisfactorily worked and that payment will me made in respect of these according to Stedy Chefs Business Terms and Conditions which I have thoroughly read and accept as the basis of this transaction.

Clear Signature
Please use your mouse or touch screen device to write your normal signature.
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